Probably best known to the average person for its presence in floral displays, Pearly Everlasting is another member of the Gnaphaleae tribe of the family Asteraceae. It has erect, unbranched stems up to 40” tall. Leaves are alternate, lanceolate, with dark green dorsal surfaces and wooly, grayish white undersides. Flowers are held in a tight corymb inflorescence, with yellow coronas surrounded by white bracts. Pearly Everlasting prefers well drained soil in forest openings, slopes, roadsides, fields, or disturbed ground. It is native and is found region wide, except for the most arid parts of the interior. It blooms in mid to late summer.
It is a larval host to members of the moth genera Patagonia, Caloreas, and Scrobipalpula, and to the butterflies Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady), and Vanessa virginiensis (American Lady), which is found sporadically in our region.
Anaphalis margaritacea | Pearly Everlasting | Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest
Size- Up to 40” tall
Habitat- Open areas with well drained soil
Range- Region wide
Blooms- Mid to late summer
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