Woodland Skippers can be differentiated from the other tawny, late flying skippers, by virtue of their smaller size (roughly 2/3 the size of Sachem or Juba Skippers) and stubbier wings, and larger, squarer ventral forewing spots, which are also more defined than those of the Sachem, and less contrasted to the ground color than those of Juba Skippers.
This is a very common butterfly of late summer and fall. The common name is a misnomer based on the species epithet, which was based on the resemblance to the species O. sylvanus (sylvanus meaning woodland, but -oides meaning like). This is a butterfly of open areas, and it’s larval hosts are all grasses, mostly tall coarse grasses like Reed Canarygrass, Wild Oats, Colonial Bentgrass, etc. They nectar on a wide variety of plants in the families Caprifoliaceae (including the Teasel shown in two of these photos), Asteraceae, and Lamiaceae, as well as many others not commonly attractive to butterflies. They can be found in open, grassy habitats throughout the PNW, and fly from late June to October.

Size- Wingspan20-26mm
Habitat- Open, grassy areas
Range- Region wide
Eats- Larva feed on various grasses; adults nectar at a wide variety of flowers.
Flight Season- Late June to October