Symphoricarpos albus (Common Snowberry)

Symphoricarpos albus (Snowberry)

This perennial shrub can form thickets up to 10’ tall, and for most of the season it has white berries, which continue to hang from the branches long after the leaves have disappeared. In early spring you will see it’s small pink or white, bell shaped flowers, which split for half their length into 5 lobes. Grows mostly along forest edges in a variety of different soils. This is an important late winter food source for some birds and mammals, and is the primary larval host to Snowberry Checkerspots (Euphydryas colon), as well as being among the larval hosts for over a dozen Geometrid and Noctuid moths.

Symphoricarpos albus | Common Snowberry | Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest

Size- Up to 10’ tall in thickets

Habitat- Forest edges in many types and moisture contents of soils

Range- Region wide

Blooms- Early spring to early summer 

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